Phone Numbers
Adding Regulatory Info to Number (US & CA)
10DLC Initial Registration when initially registering, you can select the numbers you want associated with your regulatory campaign. Once approved, the numbers...
Senders Overview
Senders The Senders panel in Sakari allows you to view all numbers associated with your account. From the main page, you can view: Number - Phone Number Type ...
Phone Number Overview
Dedicated Phone Numbers Sakari offers dedicated local phone numbers from over 100 countries for paid accounts. The type of phone numbers available will vary by...
Add a Number
Overview To add a new number to your account, click "Add Sender" at the top of your screen. You will have the option to: Buy Number - Register a new number th...
Manage Senders
Sender Table The Senders table allows you to view all numbers associated with your account and the main attributes of that sender: Number - Phone Number Ty...
Enable or Disable Destination Countries for Phone Number
Overview A phone numbers supported destination countries define the countries that your phone number can send to. Here's how to update these countries: 1...
Call Forwarding
Overview Sakari can enable call forwarding from any dedicated Sakari phone number. When one or more dedicated phone numbers with Sakari, each phone number can ...
Formatting International Phone Numbers
Formatting International Phone Numbers Sakari recommends using E.164 formatting for all To and From phone numbers communicated to Sakari. This is an internatio...
Bring Your Own Number - Hosted Messaging Landline/VOIP Text Enablement
Sakari can text-enable your existing landline or Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phone number in the United States and Canada with a process called Hosted...