Formatting International Phone Numbers

Formatting International Phone Numbers

Sakari recommends using E.164 formatting for all To and From phone numbers communicated to Sakari. This is an internationally-recognized standard phone number format that will help to ensure deliverability of calls and SMS messages across the globe.

We will automatically remove all dashes, spaces and punctuation from any submitted phone numbers. 


How does E.164 work?

E.164 phone number formatting entails the following:

  • A + (plus) sign (replacing the International Call Prefix like 011)
  • International Country Calling code
  • Local Area code
  • Local Phone number

Country Calling Codes

Country Country Code
Argentina 54
Austria 43
Belgium 32
Bolivia 591
Brazil 55
Canada 1
Chile 56
China 86
Colombia 57
Costa Rica 506
Cuba 53
Cyprus 357
Dominican Republic* 1809
Ecuador 593
Egypt 20
El Salvador 503
Estonia 372
France 33
Germany 49
Guatemala 502
Honduras 504
India 91
Indonesia 62
Italy 39
Japan 81
Kuwait 965
Lithuania 370
Luxembourg 352
Mexico 52
Monaco 377
Nicaragua 505
Oman 968
Panama 507
Paraguay 595
Peru 51
Poland 48
Portugal 351
Romania 226
San Marino 378
Saudi Arabia 966
Slovakia 421
South Africa 27
Spain 34
Switzerland 41
Ukraine 380
United Arab Emirates 971
United Kingdom 44
United States 1
Uruguay 598
Vatican City 379
Venezuela 58
Vietnam 84