Messaging, Compliance and Regulatory Guidelines
SMS & MMS Basic, Segment Overview, Error Codes
SMS Best Practices and Compliance
SMS Deliverability Guidelines
Overview Every SMS message sent (from Sakari or a handset) must be validated by a different combination of 'downstream' partners (number providers, carriers an...
Understanding Prohibited Content and Internal Message Blocks
Overview Sakari blocks SMS and MMS content* that falls into any of the following categories: Phishing, smishing, and social engineering Social engineering re...
Help Response Template
When your contact sends in a "HELP" reply, Sakari will automatically return a text message with the following structure: "[Business Name] Alerts: Help at [pho...
Sakari Support for Opt-Out Keywords
Opt Out Keywords Replies of Stop, Cancel, End, Optout, Opt-out, Quit, Unsubscribe, will automatically opt-out contacts from receiving messages from your Sakari...
QR Code Opt-in Template
Brand Opt-in [Insert QR Code Here] Text START to +1(###) ###-#### By texting START to +1 (###) ###-####, you are authorizing Brand to send USE CASE...
How do I know if my message has been read?
Unlike email, it is not possible to track whether an SMS has been opened and read. A sent and/or delivered status can be utilized to calculate your messaging ...
Can I use Sakari to receive security codes / 2FA codes / One Time Passwords (OTP)?
Due to the sensitive nature of these messages, these types of messages are often filtered upstream by the carriers/providers before reaching Sakari. Sakari doe...
Why are some of my messages blocked?
Overview Unwanted messaging is a problem in the messaging industry, leading to complaints, fines, or complete carrier disconnection of service. Depending on th...
Messages Marked 'Sent' or 'Delivered'
Sent Messages Messages with a “sent” or “delivered” messaging status indicate that Sakari has received a confirmation that the message was sent to the carrie...
Text Message Encoding
Overview Message encoding is how your text message is sent to the mobile phone carriers. The type of encoding used influences how many characters can be used ...
United States (US) and Canada (CA)
Platform Free Trial (US Trial Accounts) FAQ
Platform Free Trial (PFT) allows Trial Accounts to use a US Local Number (10DLC) to send messaging within the US in a trial/limited capacity. The number inclu...
Toll-Free (US and CA) Verification Overview
Note: The average time for carrier review is around 3 business days. Important: Beginning Jan 31, 2024, the industry’s Toll-Free aggregator will block messa...
US and Canada Messaging Campaign Best Practices
10DLC and Toll-Free Campaigns have become popular communication channels for businesses of all sizes. However, to ensure that campaigns are successful and comp...
US and Canadian Toll-Free Phone Number Verification Guide
Toll Free verification is the regulatory process where you submit your business information and use case for review and approval prior to sending traffic via ...
United States (US)
Country-specific features and restrictions for the United States Available Phone Number Types Sakari-provided US local phone number. Inbound calls can be forw...
Canada (CA)
Country-specific features and restrictions for Canada Available Phone Number Types Sakari-provided CA local phone number. Inbound calls can be forwarded to a ...
Other Country Requirements
Australia (AU)
Country specific features and restrictions for Australia. Available Phone Number Types Sakari-provided AU Mobile number. Inbound calls can be forwarded to a ...
Austria (AT)
Country-specific features and restrictions for Austria Available Phone Number Types Sakari-provided AT Mobile number. Sakari-provided sender IDs. For more i...
Denmark (DK)
Country specific features and restrictions for Denmark. Available Phone Number Types Sakari-provided DK Mobile number. Inbound calls can be forwarded to a nu...
France (FR)
Country-specific features and restrictions for France. Available phone number types FR mobile numbers - Sakari-provided FR mobile phone numbers in the +33 fo...
Germany (DE)
Country specific features and restrictions for Germany. Available Phone Number Types Sakari-provided DE Mobile number. Inbound calls can be forwarded to a nu...
Ireland (IE)
Country specific features and restrictions for Ireland. Available Phone Number Types Alphanumeric Sender ID Mobile-Number Support We are not able to send tex...
Error Codes
Message Status Types and Error Codes
When a text message is sent in Sakari, it moves through a series of message status states. The most common Sakari message status types and error codes are incl...
ACCT-006 Error - Insufficient credit available
What does the ACCT-006 Error mean? The ACCT-006 error indicates the message has been requested to send, but has stopped processing because your Sakari account ...
AUTH-006 Error - User does not have sufficient permissions to access this endpoint
Help! I'm receiving the "AUTH-006 User does not have sufficient permissions to access this endpoint" error when I try to send messages. Why is this happening?...
CONT-001 Error - Invalid mobile number
What does the CONT-001 Error mean? If a message you sent is not delivered to the end device and returns a CONT-001 error code, this means that the carrier has ...
CONT-014 Error - Number is not capable of receiving SMS
What does the CONT-014 Error mean? If a message you sent is not delivered to the end device and returns a CONT-014 error code, this means that the phone number...
CONV-003 Error - Unable to find an available phone number
What does the CONV-003 Error mean? The CONV-003 error indicates that Sakari is unable to find an available phone number for your message. Most Sakari accou...