France (FR)

Country-specific features and restrictions for France.

Available phone number types

  • FR mobile numbers - Sakari-provided FR mobile phone numbers in the +33 format, which support two-way text messaging and call-forwarding where applicable
  • Alphanumeric Sender ID - displays your company name or brand to the recipient as the 'sent from' phone number

Purchase requirements

  • Local regulations in France require that you provide your full name and business or personal address to purchase a +33 number.  Please provide this information if you wish to purchase a +33 number.

Messaging volume restrictions

  • France Long Virtual Numbers (LVNs) should only be used for P2P (Peer-to-Peer, or person to person) message traffic. 
    • The French telecoms industry limits message throughput from +33 numbers to c.500 messaging segments per day.  
    • Messaging traffic must be balanced between outbound and inbound.  For example, sending 500 outbound SMS messages from a single number with little or no inbound traffic indicates the traffic may not be P2P.
    • French telecom carriers will block inappropriate messaging from a France LVN.
    • Sakari will charge for sending these messages.
  • Alphanumeric Sender ID is not subject to these restrictions.

Personal mobile number support

Sakari cannot send text messages from your existing mobile phone number.