Phone Number Overview

Dedicated Phone Numbers

Sakari offers dedicated local phone numbers from over 100 countries for paid accounts.

The type of phone numbers available will vary by country, but typical options include:

  • Local phone numbers
  • Toll-Free numbers
  • Mobile phone numbers
  • Alphanumeric Sender IDs 
  • Dedicated Short Codes (create a ticket for more information on pricing and configuration)

Alphanumeric Sender IDs

Sakari supports the use of Alphanumeric Sender IDs (e.g. your brand name as the sending phone number) in more than 100 countries.  

To learn more about sender IDs, please visit our sender IDs support article: Alphanumeric Sender IDs

Shared-pool Number

Shared-pool numbers are random, non-dedicated numbers.  These may be configured to send your message during your trial period, or on paid accounts as a fallback number in the case your number is not configured for the destination country to which you are sending your message.

For Trial Accounts

If you are located outside the US, Canada, UK, or France (if no dedicated numbers are available), messages sent while on a Sakari Trial account will be from one of the Sakari shared-pool of phone numbers.

Phone Number Pricing

All paid subscriptions include one free dedicated United States, United Kingdom, France or Canada phone number.  Other phone number options are available, and priced additionally.

Please view our pricing page for other common countries.  

If you don't see your country listed, please contact us.


Additional Available Features

Landline Texting

In the United States and Canada we are able to send text messages using your existing landline phone number.  Please contact us to set this up.


Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Texting

In the United States and Canada we usually able to send text messages using your existing VOIP phone number.  Please contact us to set this up.


Call Forwarding

We offer call forwarding to any phone number with all of our dedicated phone numbers.  Call forwarding can be configured in Senders.


Phone Number Validation

When text messages are sent to a landline phone number they will error, but these are still chargeable messages.

We offer an additional service to validate all phone numbers as mobile prior to attempting to send a text message.  By confirming a phone number as being a mobile number, you will save money not attempting to send text messages to landline phone numbers.  

The cost for each number validation is $0.01 USD, and is turned on at the account level in your account settings.