You can create a HubSpot workflow to automatically respond to your contact when a trigger keyword is sent to your dedicated number.
Preliminary steps
1. In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automation > Workflows
2. Click Create workflow
3. Select a Contact-based with a type of Start from scratch.
4. Click Set enrollment triggers
5. Select the Contact Properties filter type. Search for the word "message" and select Message Received Body.
6. Now, we will define what our trigger keyword is.
In our example, we want the keyword to be exactly the word "Pizza", so we will select is equal to any of and enter the word "Pizza" (no quotes) and click enter.
Now click the Apply filter button.
7. We will now turn re-enrollment on by clicking the Re-enrollment tab and selecting the two checkboxes.
Click Save.
8. Now, we'll configure the message received when the trigger keyword is sent.
Click the orange "+" icon to Add an action.
9. Click the Sakari Send SMS integration extension.
10. Now, we will set up the message that is sent.
- Phone Number - typically, you'll use the contact tokens to enter the mobile number or phone number here
- Message - the message you want to send
- Messaging Type - select transactional or marketing.
- Run As - this is only used when you have multiple dedicated phone numbers. Learn more about the Run As field.
When you're done, click Save.
11. Name your workflow by clicking the pencil icon to the right at the top.
The HubSpot auto-responder workflow has now been set up.
12. Click Review in the top right to turn your workflow on, and you're done!