Use Auto Top-Up to ensure you have enough credit to send your messages by automatically adding more credit to your account when your messaging credit falls below a certain level. You will pay the same rate per segment as your current messaging plan.
Auto Top-Up is limited to 5 executions in 24 hours to protect against out-of-control workflows. Should this limit be reached, no more credit will be added to your account.
If the Auto Top-Up limit is reached and your Auto-Top Up Below Amount is set to $0:
- No more messages will be sent
- All outbound message requests will be suspended until credit is added
- Received messages will still be charged (see Negative credit below)
Configure Auto Top-Up
- In the left navigation, select Settings > Plan & Billing
- Select the General tab
- Ensure that the Auto Top-Up setting is turned on
- Select your preferred amounts
- Below Amount - the credit balance at which Auto Top-Up is triggered
- Add Amount - the amount of additional credit that will be added
The default settings for Auto Top-Up are:
- Below Amount: $0 US
- Add Amount: $10 US
- Set the Auto Top-Up Below Amount above $0 to help avoid falling into negative credit
- Set the Auto Top-Up Add Amount higher than the Auto Top-Up Below Amount
Negative credit
The charges for received messages are always applied to your account. When a $0 balance prevents outbound messages from being sent, received message charges will accumulate and be represented by a negative credit balance.
A negative credit balance is automatically cleared the next time you add credit (manually or automatically) by adding the negative balance amount to the top-up amount.