Today Pipedrive does not allow integration partners to embed within their automations. As a workaround, Zapier automations can be used. With Zapier, when a specific triggering event occurs, an automatic action (sending a text message) can occur.
The available triggers in Zapier for Pipedrive are:
- New Lead
- New Activity
- New Deal
- New Person
- New Note
- New Organization
- Organization Matching Filter
- Activity Matching Filter
- Person Matching Filter
- Deal Matching Filter
- Updated Deal
- Updated Deal Stage
- Updated Organization
- Updated Person
Example: Sending a Text Message When a New Lead is Created
1. Trigger/Action setup. A typical configuration will look like this:
2. Connect your Pipedrive account. You have the option of testing, which is recommended.
3. Connect your Sakari account.
4. Configure the automation. A typical setup is included below.
5. Save your Zap and you're done!