Sakari allows you to see the historical iterations of your published workflows.
There are 3 states a workflow can be in: draft, active, and inactive.
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When configuring a new workflow, you will be brought directly into the Draft state. To view your versions, click the icon shown below:
Drafts are the only versions of a workflow that can be edited. If a draft does not exist, Sakari will automatically create a new draft and bring you to edit mode.
You can overwrite an existing draft with a previous version by clicking on the from Version History (⋮) and selecting Edit Workflow and overwriting the existing draft:
Only 1 version of a workflow may be active at one time. Activating a version will deactivate (if applicable) any other versions of a specific workflow.
A workflow version can be activated from the view mode or edit mode (of a draft) by clicking the button. Additionally, you can activate from the Version History list by clicking the ⋮ icon and clicking Activate
Inactive versions are any version that have previously been set to Active, regardless of if any contacts were enrolled.
You can set an active workflow to inactive by clicking from a versions' view-mode, or by clicking the ⋮ icon and clicking Deactivate.
How do I discard a draft?
From Version History, you can click the ⋮ icon and click Discard Draft
Additionally, you can just overwrite a draft with an older version by clicking Edit Workflow.
Can I delete an older version?
No. Except for drafts, versions of a workflow cannot be deleted.
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